Progressive Muscle Relaxation Reduces Anxiety In Smart Indonesian Card Students


  • Dini Sofiyani Akper Alkautsar Temanggung
  • Retno Lusmiati Anisah Akper Alkautasar Temanggung
  • Parmilah Akper Alkautasar Temanggung


Anxiety, KIP students, progressive muscle relaxation


Background : The Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) is a program from the government to address educational problems related to dropping out of college caused by a lack of funds. One of the problems faced by KIP students is anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of discomfort because of unfulfilled basic human needs. It happens at all ages, with a prevalence of 16% -29%. Anxiety can characterize by an emotional state that creates a feeling of discomfort in a person and a helpless feeling because of something unwanted. A treatment that can apply to overcome anxiety nursing problems is progressive muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation can provide adequate calming effects on the body of a person experiencing anxiety. Case Study Results : The study aimed to provide an overview of progressive muscle relaxation can reduce anxiety, especially in KIP students. The research method used is a case study using qualitative methods. Conclusion : The results of the case study on the first respondent and the second respondent showed a decrease in the level of anxiety experienced. In conclusion, progressive muscle relaxation therapy can reduce anxiety levels in KIP students at Akper Alkautsar Temanggung.


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